*Check out our latest release called Wrecked Racing - Smash cars and cause ultimate destruction (Free)*
Pilot the worlds Smallest RC Plane right in your living room.
This is a Simulator based on the World Famous Carbon Butterfly Living room Flier..
That's right, fly a real RC Plane in your own living room!
This game shows you what it's like to fly the real Carbon Butterfly RC Plane in your own home.
At Only 3 Grams, you can maneuver the Butterfly RC plane with precision control in any living room.
Do figure-8's over your couch, land on your coffee table, weave in and out of lamps...it has to be seen to be believed.
If you enjoy the simulator and want to fly the real plane, you can purchase directly through the app and receive a $30 discount. We ship anywhere in the world.
- Fantastic visuals and graphics
- Advanced simulation engine replicates flying the real RC Plane in a virtual living room
- Virtual dual stick controls
- Receive a $30 discount towards your purchase of the real living room RC Plane
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">* Periksa rilis terbaru kami yang disebut Wrecked Racing - Smash mobil dan menyebabkan kerusakan tertinggi (Gratis) *
Pilot dunia Terkecil RC Pesawat tepat di ruang tamu Anda.
Ini adalah Simulator berdasarkan World Famous Karbon Kupu-kupu Living room Flier ..
Itu benar, menerbangkan RC Pesawat nyata di ruang tamu Anda sendiri!
Permainan ini menunjukkan apa rasanya terbang nyata Carbon Kupu-kupu RC Pesawat di rumah Anda sendiri.
Pada Hanya 3 Grams, Anda dapat manuver pesawat kupu-kupu RC dengan kontrol presisi di setiap ruang tamu.
Apakah tokoh-8 atas sofa Anda, tanah di atas meja kopi Anda, menenun dalam dan keluar dari lampu ... itu harus dilihat dapat dipercaya.
Jika Anda menikmati simulator dan ingin terbang pesawat nyata, Anda dapat membeli langsung melalui aplikasi dan menerima $ 30 diskon. Kami kapal mana saja di dunia.
- Visual dan grafis yang fantastis
- Mesin simulasi lanjutan ulangan ke real RC Pesawat di ruang tamu maya
- Kontrol Virtual tongkat ganda
- Menerima $ 30 diskon terhadap pembelian Anda dari ruang tamu nyata RC Pesawat</div> <div class="show-more-end">